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Atmospheric carbon-14 during the early Younger Dryas derived from tree rings
Dataset, Brief Description: The chronology of 617 year long tree rings obtained from the Huon pine, in Tasmania, Australia, was used to measure atmospheric carbon-14 during the Younger Dryas., This period ( approx. 13,000 to 11,600 cal yr BP) has a high level more...
Atmospheric radiocarbon in Thailand and Tasmania (Australia) during the Little Ice Age
Dataset, Brief Description: Examination of atmospheric 14C over Thailand and Tasmania (Australia) during the Little Ice Age was performed using cross-dated Thai Pinus merkusii, Tasmanian Huon pine tree rings, respectively. more...
Bomb radiocarbon in corals from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Dataset, Brief Description: Annual bands of coral (Porites) collected from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands eastern Indian Ocean was used to examine bomb 14C for the period 1955-1985 AD. more...
Dataset, Brief Description: Known-age corals from the Cocos (keeling) Islands, situated in the Indian Ocean were used to establish radiocarbon marine reservoir corrections. more...
Profile (Person or Position), Brief Description: Quan Hua is a Senior Research Scientist at ANSTO with 15 years experience in radiocarbon dating and its application. He is leader of "Atmospheric and oceanic radiocarbon systems", Task within the Isotopes in Climate Change and Atmo more...
Pre-bomb radiocarbon in annual tree rings from Thailand
Dataset, Brief Description: Atmospheric radiocarbon in Thailand for AD 1938-1954 was derived from Pinus kesiya trees rings from Doi Inthanon National Park. more...
Study of Bomb Radiocarbon in Tree Rings from Northern New South Wales, Australia
Dataset, Brief Description: Radiocarbon was injected into the atmosphere from atmospheric detonations of nuclear weapons between 1945 and 1980, which leads to increases in the concentration of carbon-14 in the atmosphere mostly, in the late 1950's and early 1 more...
Study of Bomb Radiocarbon in annual tree rings from Thailand and Australia
Dataset, Brief Description: Two sets of cross-dated tree rings, taken from Pinus kesiya, grown in northwestern Thailand, and from a Huon Pine (Lagarostrobos franklinii) grown in North western Tasmania, Australia were examined for bomb radiocarbon. more...